Federal Regulations and State Enterprise (FRASE)
Click here to go to our interactive downloader to pull specific FRASE data by state, or click here to go to our bulk downloads page to download a bulk file of all FRASE data
Regulations do not affect everyone equally. A city ordinance that requires all residents to mow their lawns every week, for example, would be far more onerous for those who possessed only push mowers than those who possessed riding mowers. Recent research not only supports this intuition that regulations have an unequal impact on individual people, but it also supports the associated intuition that regulations have an unequal impact on differing jurisdictions and local economies.
The Federal Regulation and State Enterprise (FRASE) index is a way to quantify the unequal impact of federal regulations across the 50 states plus DC. At the federal level, some industries - like Chemical Manufacturing - are highly regulated, while other industries - such as Personal and Laundry Services – are relatively lightly regulated. The stringency and applicability of federal regulations does not typically change from state to state, but the total impact of federal regulations does. All else equal, federal regulations will have a much greater impact on a state with a relatively high proportion of Chemical Manufacturing activity than a state where barely any Chemical Manufacturing activity occurs at all.
The FRASE index measures this aggregate differential impact of federal regulation on state economies by combining federal regulation data with state economic data. Specifically, the relative number of regulatory restrictions imposed by the federal government on each industry (as defined by NAICS 3-figit codes) is indexed to BEA data on the relative proportion of each state’s economy that each industry makes up, and this is aggregated across state economies to quantitatively rank states by how much they are affected by federal regulation.
On this page you will find a selection of resources and information related to FRASE, including:
1) Our FRASE interactive, which links to each of the specific FRASE reports and statistics for each state
2) A sample API call with a brief tutorial on how to use the Python regcensus library to pull data from the API
3) A table with links to various research projects and academic papers that have made use of FRASE data
If you want to learn more about the FRASE index and how the state rankings compare, please click here to visit our FRASE documentation, and here to read the introductory chapter of the full FRASE booklet.