RegData Canada
What is RegData Canada?
RegData Canada extends the logic of the RegData US project to the Canadian federal government and provincial governments. Like RegData US and State RegData, RegData Canada datasets employ the QuantGov platform to download and analyze regulations issued by the Canadian federal government and each of the Canadian provincial governments, turning thousands of pages of dense regulatory text into datasets. While RegData US and State RegData are officially two distinct projects which handle US federal and state regulatory codes separately, the RegData Canada project includes data at both the national and provincial levels of Canadian Government (this also applies to RegData Australia). Each dataset contains the following data outputs for each piece of the Canadian federal government and Canadian provincial government regulatory codes: general metadata, restriction counts, word counts, complexity metrics, and relevance of content to specific industries. The production of each of the RegData Canada datasets requires unique code development. Interact with RegData Canada and compare metrics between Canadian provinces by using the RegCensus Explorer interactive. The data can be found using our interactive downloader or by using our API.
On this page you will find a selection of resources and information related to RegData Canada including:
1) A selection of videos and visualizations involving RegData Canada
2) Our regcensus explorer interactive, which can be used to quickly examine data related to state regulatory restrictions
3) An explanation of how to use our interactive downloader to retrieve data for Canadian provinces
4) A sample API call of Canadian data
5) A table with links to various research projects and academic papers that have made use of RegData Canada
Videos and Visualizations
Canadian Data and the Interactive Downloader
For most users seeking to explore RegData Canada, our interactive downloader is a great way to retrieve the data for different jurisdictions of interest. Below is a brief description on how to use the interactive downloader to retrieve Canadian RegData. For a more in-depth tutorial on how to use the interactive downloader, visit this page.
To get data for Canadian jurisdictions, first select Canada in the Country dropdown menu and the jurisdiction of interest in the Jurisdiction menu. Select National for federal level data, All Subnational Jurisdictions for data from every province but not the federal government, or select the specific province name if data for only one province is required (eg. Alberta). Select either Aggregate for summary level data, or Document for individual regulation level data. Many jurisdictions only have one year of data available.
RegData Canada has data for all of our standard series (word count, complexity metrics, restriction counts, restriction counts by industry, etc.) EXCEPT for restriction by agency data, which is unavailable due to the fact that the Canadian regulatory system does not involve regulatory agencies. These data types can be selected in the Series menu. RegData Canada is also different from US RegData in that Canada has a parliamentary system of government. As such, there is regulatory text contained both in the original “statutes” and the “regulations” they authorize. Users can select what type of regulatory text they want data for in the Document Type menu.