Business Dynamism
What is Business Dynamism?
Business Dynamism is a vital process to continued productivity and sustained economic growth. Typically, it is measured by the rate at which firms enter the market, grow, shrink, and then leave the market. When studying the impact of federal regulations on business activity, some researchers and economists have reached contradicting conclusions. Some researchers perceive negative relations between regulatory accumulation and entrepreneurship. However, while others have failed to find any noteworthy relationship between the two when measuring metrics common to dynamism, RegData may be able to provide researchers with the data necessary to understand this long-standing question.
The QuantGov team has two publications focused on the effects of business dynamism on entrepreneurship and firm size. The first working paper is called Regulation, Entrepreneurship, and Dynamism, in which the authors examined the findings of two studies that utilize comprehensive metrics of U.S. federal regulations found by RegData. In both studies, RegData is used to estimate the impact of federal regulation on private business activity, with both studies coming to opposing results. The researchers demonstrate that despite the contradictory results of both studies, the results are actually congruous and expected.
The second publication is Regulation, Entrepreneurship, and Firm Size, in which researchers investigate the causality between regulatory growth and the burden it places on small businesses in comparison to large ones. To conduct this study, the researchers used panel data from Regdata 3.0 and exploited variations across industries over time. They did so with the purpose of estimating the relationship between regulatory growth and increases in the amount of small to large firms.
Take a look at both publications below for a better understanding of how using RegData can help you better understand the effects of business dynamism on the economy.